A scholar must have seven distinguishing qualities

Imaam adh-Dhahabi 748 AH (the student of Ibn Taymeeyah) said: فالذي يحتاج إليه الحافظ أن يكون تقيا ذكيا نحويا لغويا زكيا حييا سلفيا “That which a scholar needs to be is: -Taqiyan [possess fear of Allah (taqwa)] -Dhakiyah [be intelligent] -Nahwiyan [firm in Arabic grammar] -Lugawiyan [firm in Arabic language] -Zakiyan [pure in action and/or intentions] -Hayiyan…

Knowledge is not by narrating a lot…

Imaam adh-Dhahabi 748 AH (the student of Ibn Taymeeyah) said: ان العلم ليس بكثرة الرواية, و لكنه نور يقذفه الله في القلب, و شرطه الاتباع, و الفرار من الهوى و الابتداع “Knowledge is not by narrating a lot, but it is a light that Allah puts in the heart. Its condition is following (the sunnah)…