Arabic language vs language of Aristotle!

Abu ʿAbdillah Muhammad ibn Idris ash-Shafi’ee 204 AH (May Allah have mercy on him) said,

“ما فسد النَّاس إلا لما تركوا لسان العرب، واتبعوا لسان أرسطو “

“People did not become corrupted, or deviated, except after their abandonment of the Arabic language and their inclination to the language of Aristotle!”

[Sharh Aqeedah al-Tahawiyyah 1/100; quoted by Imam Dhahabi in as-Siyar A’lam al-Nubala 10/74 and al-Suyuti in Sawn al-Mantiq p.15.]

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  1. Pingback: Abandoning learning Arabic is a reason for becoming corrupt/deviated | Keys To Knowledge

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